Monday, June 16, 2014

Pike's Peak and Paint!!

Walking in the snow at the top of Pike's Peak!

Pike's Peak is the snow covered mountain in the distance

Apollos looking out over the National Cemetery near our house

Apollos picked Buffalo Wild Wings for his Kindergarten graduation dinner.  They have added kids games to the tablets there to keep the kids entertained.

Apollos with his new Bible he got for graduation.  It is a Super Hereos Bible.

The boys gettingready to help me make a cake for Apollos.

Playing with sidewalk paint...or body paint...

A random stuffed animal in the store at the top of Pike's Peak.

The boys fishing at one of the reservoirs on the way up the mountain 

We took a trip to Pike's Peak, which is about an hour away.  It is such a beautiful place!  The boys even got to go fishing for the first time!  We have also had a few warmer days to get outside and play!

Ellie is now 20 months old and is officially weened!  She didn't lose any weight this time!  She has become a master at the stairs in our new house as well!  She has also started sticking Legos up her nose!  It is becoming a daily occurrence for me to hold her down while Solomon uses tweezers to get them out.  Thankfully, they are big enough that she can't get them beyond the nostril...  She has also started to stick her face in the water and hold her breath.  She is growing up so fast!

We occasionally give the kids Vitamin C tablets.  Ellie LOVES them.  She is always asking for "Lellow"  (the tablets are yellow color).

Ellie driving a book around.  She LOVES reading books!

Ellie has really started getting in to pretend play.  She loves to play with her baby and with her kitchen.  She is too short to reach most of her kitchen set, so she has created her own step stool.  :)

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